Friday, August 10, 2018

9 vuotta.

Eilen kulu 9 vuotta siita kun muutin tanne asumaan. Aloin kirjottaa jotain paskaa tahan aiheesta, mutta loysinki vaha paremman metodin jakaa uusia tunnelmia San Diegosta. Alla siis Helgon-paivakirja palasia :D Englanniks, koska Robert luki sita myos.


in other news, I’m all set for san diego.
pretty much.
I went through all my boxes today.
I’ll leave one for my parents to keep, stuff with memories, like old pictures and journals.
I want them to keep it for me, so that when I’m older I can look at that stuff and laugh. or be embarrassed to death :P
(I actually had to throw away my journal from 2006 cause I HATED everything I read in it. I’ve never been so ashamed of myself that I couldn’t even finish reading it!)
I packed two boxes of things I want my parents to send me; a couple of posters, my painting gear, a few pots and pans, my favorite tea cups and home decorating stuff. you know, the kinda stuff robert might not want me to put up :D lanterns and toys and things like that.
oh and sheets!
though they don’t use sheets in america like we do here in europe :/
I still want them though.
also, I need all my books, dvd’s, lp’s, tapes & cd’s but I left them in my shelf, cause my parents know I want everything on that shelf at some point.
now I’m gonna pack all my clothes and stuff like that.
I found one of my old jackets and realized how nice it was so I have to bring that one too :D
ssssssss ^___^
I feel sorry for robert. I probably have more stuff than he has and I actually really like all of my stuff too, which kinda sucks now that I’m moving cause moving and packing is a pain in the ass.
oh well.
it’s gonna be fun sharing a home with robert ^____^ <333
for more than three months :D


I had so much more to write but totally forgot.
maybe saving up all the stuff for one big entry isn’t such a good idea :S

oh yeah, walther’s a bit sick :/
but today he ate all of his food, but not all at once, but still, he ate it ^___^
I hope he’ll get better <3
walther’s gonna live till I finish college!

tomorrow I’m meeting cassandra sometimes at day time and it’s gonna be fun seeing her again.
and later I’m going out with lainy and those girls.
aaand I went to sandra’s house on tuesday.
I’m really really really really gonna miss sandra.
she always knows what I’m talking about without me having to explain it too much.
why can’t I have more of those friends here in sweden?
well I guess it doesn’t matter anymore :P
then later I went over to lainy’s place but didn’t stay for that long.

I guess that’s it then.
tomorrow I’m booked and then it’s already saturday and I gotta prepare for leaving :D
and on sunday I’m leaving for SD, for 4 YEARS! <3  (<- tallanen editor's note etta onpa sopoa etta ajattelin etta koulu loppuun ja sit keksitaan jotain :D)
I hope robert won’t get tired of me :( ssssss :D
I bet I won’t be there until monday though cause that just always seems to happen :P
except the first time I went there.
but that was a different story :D
and then on tuesday and wednesday I gotta go to school for summer orientation, YAY :D

but that’s it now.
I’m gonna go pack some of my clothes now and wash my paint brushes and I kinda wanna watch some tv too cause I feel weird being upstairs all alone all the time when it’s not even my room :S
I miss jesse a little too but jesse is like a cat and doesn’t miss anyone - she just needs f00dz and someone to provide her with a home and things :D
I’m funny :P 


I’m not usually nervous when I’m going to san diego and things always end up sucking on my way there, but I am now.
I don’t want anything to go wrong!
but I guess being delayed or having to sleep over somewhere is minor shit now, as long as I just get to san diego on time.
I can’t miss my orientation classes cause if I do, I’m blocked from registering for classes.
think about that, SAS and united!
(I know...they’re not going to think about it :/ I’m not that special :/)
so let’s hope I could at least have one good trip going there.
going home is always easier but going there...blahhh!
some shit always happens.
oh well :D

my mom started crying cause now both of us are gone :(
at least jesse is closer and they’re really trying to get out of here now.
like, seriously trying.
dad said he looks for jobs there every now and then and grandma made some suggestions about future living arrangements and stuff.
I just feel kinda sorry for my parents :/
this kinda means they’re getting older; the kids are moving out to live their own lives.
but I’m still kinda proud of my dad cause he’s already 50 and it’s not until now that we’ve both left :D
(well I’ve left before but always come back. we’ll see what happens this time!)
but I guess it’s time to fly out of the nest.
fly, kinda literally cause I gotta get on a plane.
3 planes to be exact :P (gothenburg - copenhagen, copenhagen - washington dc - washington dc - san diego.)
I just feel really bad for them :/
and I’m a little sad too that san diego is so far away, cause at least when I lived in gothenburg, we could all visit each other whenever.
now, I we can’t really do it just like that :/
I think this time I might get a little homesick cause this is the longest I’ll ever be away from my family.
but you know, it’s all normal and natural and blablabla.
we’ll all get over it.
my mom says all she wants is for me to be happy and she knows I’m happy over there.
she’s not really worried about me either, cause she knows how amazing robert is and my friends are all like a little family for me there ^___^
so yeah.
I know I’m gonna cry a little tomorrow cause I will miss mom, dad and the dogs! and the cats!
I hope dennis is still here next year when I come to visit! :S
and I hope walther won’t get any worse.
he’s been sick lately :/
but today he was finally acting normal and eating his food and being talkative until around 9 pm, when he didn’t wanna eat his food and he got all depressed looking and tired :(
I’m worried.
they all better be around still!
especially my little boy <3333

I don’t think there’s anything else to write.
can’t believe this day has come already!
so weird.
but it was about time.
and yay, school!

let’s hope all goes well.
I’ll be back when I’ve settled in and squeezed the shit out of robert!

see you in a year lovelies!
(except you robert, see you tomorrow! ^___^)
...hopefully :S


so summer orientation came and went.
I have now registered for my classes and paid for them, yay!
I lost about 2700 dollars of my 9000 :’(
oh well, if you don’t pay, you’ll get dropped immediately, so it’s pretty important :D
for this semester I got spanish (YAY! I was allowed because of my amazing english skills!), english - not ESL, but NATIVE SPEAKER english!!!! and then I guess I had some retard english class that automatically followed with my better english class aaand early american history.
that was exactly 12 units right there.
on monday I gotta get up at 7 am to get myself wait listed for history of rock ’n’ roll and media com. - introduction to audio production.
school is going to be exciting.
I’ve met lots of people in these past few days but no one that I think I’ll actually make friends with.
doesn’t really matter though cause I already have friends here :)
(not saying that in a cocky way, just saying that if I don’t get friends at school - it doesn’t matter cause I have friends OUTSIDE of school at least :D)
yesterday I talked to these indonesian twins, a quatarian (is that what you call people from quatar? cause I really don’t know :S) girl (whom I was sitting next to today actually), and a korean guy.
today I spoke to some new people, like a girl from vietnam who just couldn’t believe my ESL assessment score and told everyone how well I did :P
then I talked to these two brazilian guys who had the whitest fucking teeth EVER!
they were nice though, not gross like I always picture brazilians to be for some reason :D
they were easy to understand too :P
our counselor or whatever the hell she is, barbara, couldn’t understand my english skills either.
and she told me my accent is very american. NO SHIT :D
our ESL counselor’s comment was ”you seem to really love english” when I went to talk to him about my score and what kinda classes I can take.
I’m thinking about taking a native speaker assessment to see if I can take english 120 instead of 110, cause if I do that, I get to take writing classes and I WANT A WRITING CLASS ^_______^

so that’s what’s up with school right now.

today I took the bus in san diego, for the first time ever! :o
I even got off at the right stop ^___^
and pulled the stop thingie on the right spot.
since my stop is in front of these stores, I went into cvs and bought myself a hairdryer :D
then I had to walk a million kilometers downhill in the burning sun.
when I got home, I had to take my shirt and bra off cause they were SOAKED with sweat.
no kidding here.
I also got blisters on my heels from my shoes :/
I’ve come to realize that my shoes may not be my size after all, though I’ve had them for a year.
they always give me blisters on my pinky toes or my heels, if I walk long distances.
oh well!

when I got home, I looked at the computer screen and there was a notepad window open on it ^__^
it was a message from robert <3
awww <333
even though it was just a short message, the thought was very romantic <3
thank you p00p00 <3
it made my day ^________^
well, not that this day was crappy or anything but still :D <3
so, living with robert is, as you can see, very good ^__^
not that it’s ever been bad :D sssssssssss!

I’m still in my weird state a little, cause it doesn’t take two seconds to recover from feeling crappy.
obviously, I feel better and school is probably going to give me a boost in the right direction :)
I would hope so at least :S stress though, does kick me in the wrong direction sometimes.
but doing good in school or at work usually makes me feel great and confident, and that’s what I want right now :)
to feel super confident!
maybe I’m just in chock still cause everything has happened so fast :D
it’ll get better with time, I know so cause the last time I came here, I had felt really awful for 2 months, and at the beginning I was still feeling a little weird but when I had been here for a month, it was a lot better :)
things always work out and I don’t have any reason to feel crappy anymore!

I should take a cold shower and try to do my hair again cause I did it kinda quickly this morning.
my eye was so sore that I couldn’t open it, so doing my hair kinda sucked :D
it’s still sore but at least I can keep it open and it’s not runny :D
my eyes get sore at night very often, it’s cause I apparently open them in my sleep :S
or don’t close them all the way.
I wanna know what the fuck is up with that!

I need a book to read cause I don’t really have anything to do right now.
I left all of my books in europe which kinda sucks cause I wasn’t done with despite everything yet :(
oh well.
maybe I’ll buy myself a new book or something.
I haz moneyzzz.
(I also really want to get a tattoo. I haven’t gotten one in forever! I’ll never be done with my tattoos cause it takes a hundred years for me to get ONE -____-)

I guess since we’re not having parties at the house anymore, people have now decided to have big get togethers where people just sit and do drugs instead -__-
ever since I got here, this house has been a big fucking circus.
so don’t ask me why I’m not hanging out when doing mushrooms seems to be the new hit thing to do :P
people on drugs is so old.
I might’ve been excited to hang out with all kinds of people before and didn’t mind people doing drugs but I’m kinda over it now.
call me old and prudish but I have some standards .___.
also, I was looking for movies and accidentally clicked on some video :o
luckily I managed to click it away before it even started.
god knows what kinda gross imagery was waiting for me :D

and lastly, a question;
is it sad to still have hickeys on your neck when you’re 22 and living with your partner? .___.


ps. that one brazilian dude sounds JUST LIKE FEZ FROM THAT 70’S SHOW!
I wanted to tell him that so many times today but didn’t. I’m scared that people won’t get my shitty sense of humor :D

oh hi again!
I’m talking to lani and she’s at home being all bored and doing wifey stuff while paul’s hanging out with his friends :D haha.
we’re talking about how everyone’s moved to a new place and how we’ve thought about that too and how we should be neighbors so she and I could be doing laundry while drinking beer right now :D
awww :D
I’ve missed this lady!
it’s her birthday on monday and she wanted us to hang out, so hopefully we’ll be able to :)


figured it was time to update a little!
after deleting about 20 pages full of shit :D

we’ve actually watched quite a lot of movies lately.
this one day robert made me watch terminator 2 :O
I wasn’t even stoned :O
(cause you know, it’s a thing we did before, smoke and watch arnold movies :D)
the other day we went to see the new jeremy piven movie :D
but it wasn’t as funny as they make it seem on the trailer :/
it wasn’t bad though.
then we watched adventureland on the computer.
that movie kinda sucked.
the commercials on tv make it seem so funny but really, it’s not funny at all.
and last night we watched I love you man.
robert wasn’t too impressed but I love that movie :D
”return the favor...give it back” ;D
and tomorrow we are going to see the new tarantino movie, inglorious basterds :)

I’m also going shopping with lani tomorrow.
I could look for a present for jesse, even though her birthday isn’t quite yet.

I’m starting school on monday which is exciting :D
my schedule isn’t too bad, except on monday :D
it’s my own fault though.
on monday I go in at 1.30 and finish that class at 3.10 and then my next class won’t start till 7.00 :(
and I get off at 9.50.
that’s my only sucky day.
other than that, I start in the afternoon and get off in the afternoon.
not too bad :D
and I only have on class on tuesday and thursday and one short class after english on wednesday, so technically I only have one class on wednesday too :D

what else...
the other night I was at a bbq at andy & brandon’s house which was fun.
a lot of the fun people were there :)
and the day after that we went to robert’s parents’ house for a very late birthday celebration :D
robert’s mom had gotten me perfume from hawaii, awww :)
then we went to paul & lani’s new place to celebrate her birthday.
they live in a nice little cottage in north park.
a cottage!
it looked super nice.
robert and I drove to a bar before going home.
it was a place I hadn’t been to before and it was in an area where I didn’t even think they had bars :D
it was an okay place.

I got my debit card today and managed to transfer money to my american account last night, so YAY!
I have a new card AND some money on that account too :D
now I just need to get a 619 number and a state ID and I’ll be satisfied.
robert and I still haven’t organized this room but at least I wrote a list for him, so maybe now we’ll actually do it :P
who knows :D

I really hate reading old entries and I really hope that my way of writing (or at least the content. or the other way around!) is more mature :S
I don’t wanna have to delete everything I’ve ever thought about and feel ashamed of myself for the rest of my life :D
the sad thing is, most people would die of embarrassment reading entries from...say 2003, but for me it’s the late teens that really does it x)
I think it’s safe to say that I wouldn’t wanna run into the 19 year old jenny :D

there’s nothing to drink here so I gotta run to the store soon.
I’m getting a little hungry too and I only have 2 more cigarettes left.

later friends!


- well here’s what’s up;

I’ve been meaning to summarize last weekend many times, but I’ve been putting it off, and then school happened so now I have more to summarize :|

anyways, last weekend was fun.
on friday I went to hillcrest with lani to do some shopping.
we went to buffalo exchange, a second hand store, and I found this really nice navy blue polka dot collared shirt there :)
that’s about the only thing I bought.
unfortunately, this place was no average second hand store, so my shirt actually cost $ 7,75 -___-
oh well, I love that shirt.

after that I went to her & paul’s place and lani cooked us dinner :)
we had a couple of beers and cocktails at their place and went to this bar we tried to go to the first time I was here, but this time, with success :D
cause obviously now I’m old enough to go.
after a while everyone else showed up there, robert came there straight from work.
we sat around for a while, hanging out and drinking and then robert and I drove to santee to john’s parents’ house.
they had a cute dog named lily ^____^
awww <3
we slept over there and got out around 10.46 in the morning.

later that night robert’s sister paula asked me if I wanted to go out with her, so I did.
we went to jt’s for a few beers and robert came there after work.
after that we went to victoria’s place and had some drinks at her place.
everyone else were there too.
then we made a quick stop at this bar called alibi and after that took off to get some mexican food and go hang out at steven’s place.
we didn’t stay for too long though.

on sunday I don’t think we did much, probably had a few beers at home or something :D

school started on monday.
I had two classes; english and history.
I didn’t really enjoy that first english class but really loved history.
ray picked me up after school and we came home, had some beers and hung out.

on tuesday I had spanish.
it was okay.
robert had the day off so we could finally hang out a little when I got home from school.
I think this is the night we went to see inglorious basterds and THAT MOVIE WAS SO AWESOME.
I wasn’t expecting anything cause it was robert’s idea to go see it but I loved it!
everyone should go see it, it’s not just some big muscle piece of shit action movie, it was actually quite funny too :D

on wednesday I had english again, and this time it was a bit more fun cause we had a writing test and I was the first one to finish because I am awesome at writing :D
robert came to pick me up and we went to the store and then he had to go to work :(
he took me to taco bell for breakfast that morning ^___^
haha :D

today I had spanish and robert took me to school before going to work.
it was okay but we had to pair up for some exercises and my partner sucked.
he was sooo slow and couldn’t pronounce shit and didn’t understand any of the assignments and it didn’t matter if I knew them -__-
it didn’t really help that neither one of us had the book either...
I had to take the bus home today and walk in the 100 F weather. (which is 38 C. PRETTY HOT, EH?!)
I figured that I should get off at the next stop though in the future cause at least that one is on the right side of the street and maybe like a minute closer, without any traffic lights :D
it took me 26 minutes to get home and by the time I was here, my face was red (didn’t know if I had burned it or if it was cause I had been walking for a while) and my undies and top were soaking wet :(
I hopped into a cold shower and it was VERY refreshing.

so I guess that’s it! 

Siina vahan ensimmaisten viikojen tunnelmia! Eipa mitaan sen erikoisempaa. Mita nyt katoin nii naa jatkuu aika samalallailla. Olipa ihanaa etta joskus oli aikaa hengailla paljo kavereitten kans. Miks kolmekymppisena oleminen on nii perseesta? Eihan meilla kaikilla oo ees lapsia! Pitiko ryypata nii paljo kakskymppisena, nyt kukaan ei enaa jaksa? (Paitsi me. Vois meiltaki menna maku tohon pikkuhiljaa :P)

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